Registration Quiz


Step 0: FSG ID & Quiz

You have to register at FSG and participate in their quiz.
Unless you are planning to participate at FSG 2025, it is irrelevant, how you place on the quiz. However, you must complete the quiz to be able to submit technical documents for FS Switzerland 2025 and and FS Portugal 2025.

Step 1: Create a Team Account

To register for FSSwitzerland 2025 and/or FSPortugal 2025, you need to have a team account on the site.
To create an account click here.
You have to have your account created by Thursday, 2025-01-30, 20:00 CET, since it takes time to prepare the accounts for the quiz.
Note: There are only TEAM accounts. No accounts for individual members.

Step 2: Fill out your details

Team Name
Team Captains Name
E-Mail Address
Billing details including: entity name, billing address and VAT Nr. (Tax Nr)

Step 3:Take the Quiz

On 2025-01-31 at 09:00 CET the registration quiz will start.
Do not reload the Quiz page, just be a bit patient, it reloads automatically.

Quiz – Important Information

There will be questions about the rules and engineering knowledge.
 Deactivate all plugins in your browser to avoid any problems during the quiz.
Recommendation: Answer questions in one browser only.
There will be no feedback, if your answer was correct.
Each Question is either correct or wrong.
 The Registration Quiz will end on 2025-01-31 at 11:00 CET.
 If you have answered all the questions, you will be transferred to a closing page.
Since we need to assign the slots manually, the results will be published later.

Quiz – Procedure & Scoring

The questions will be asked sequentially, without the ability to go back.
Every single question can be answered only once.
If you have answered a question twice on 2 computers/browsers, the last answer including its timestamp will be entered and the question count will be increased by 2.
If you are logged in 2 computers/browsers just reload the page to get your current question.
The score will be the sum of all correct answers.
If 2 teams have the same amount of correct answers, only then the time will be calculated to derivate the ranking.
Since we need to assign the slots manually, the results will be published later.
Note: If a calculation answer requires to round (either up or down) and by rounding it violates the rules, ignore the violation.
Recommendation: A correct answer is worth more than trying to answer as quick as possible.


Step 4: Wait for the result and pay

The registration for teams, not wanting to participate the quiz, starts 31st January 2025 at 11:00 CET.
 The reserved slots are then also open for every team.
The answers will be published online at a later time and teams may have the possibility to protest, for further details, see handbook.
If you made it to the FSSwitzerland 2025, your team will receive an e-mail, which will provide you with further information.
The ranking and waiting list will be published on the website after protesttime.

Special for FSPortugal

By taking the Registration Quiz you automatically accept the Registration Terms & Conditions 2025

We thank you for your patience and wish you good luck

Registration Quiz 2025

Timer for Registration Quiz: