What is Formula Student?
The biggest student competition in the world.

The competition exists since 1981 and has evolved a lot.
Today there are many events worldwide, attended by students from various universities.
Several hundert teams compete against each other in different classes. Among them are 4 Swiss teams.
At first there was just a combustion class, in 2010 an electric class was introduced and since 2017 there is a driverless class.
During the event the vehicle is checked to comply with the rules and be safe, then different disciplines are performed.
There are static and dynamics discipines.
In the dynamic disciplines longitudinal and lateral acceleration are tested, and there is an endurance race,
during which the vehicle must complete a distance of 22 km as quickly as possible.
Not only time but also energy efficiency is rated.
In the static disciplines the considerations of the students are examined. In engineering design the students present their technical design.
Beside engineering design there is also a cost and a business discipline.

Event Timeline
In January, the teams need to pass a rules quiz to qualify. In the months before the event they also need to upload various documents.
The event will be 5 days long.
The teams arrive before the first day and register all team members and their vehicle.
During the first 3 days the technical scrutineering of the vehicles takes place.
This includes different stations the vehicles need to pass, so that it is allowed to drive.
Beside the technical scrutineering the static disciplines are held.
On the fourth day, the dynamic disciplines start with acceleration and skidpad, followed by autocross.
On the last day the endurance race takes place.